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Open Records

All open record requests are submitted to the City Clerk. Please send any record requests by email to, mail to P.O. Box 247, Baldwin GA or in person at Baldwin City Hall.

Please read all information on this page so we can better assist you.


Click here to access the Open Records Request Form.

Tell us everything!

The City of Baldwin strives to be transparent and answer your record request in the shortest time possible. Please let us know exactly what you're looking for so we can get it to you ASAP!


Be clear!

Be as clear about the record as possible, we want to know we are getting you the record you're requesting.


Be sure we can contact you!

Whether in person or by mail, make sure we have a way to return any records requested directly to you! Please list an email, phone number or mailing address on any submitted records request.


Know the Open Records Act!

The Open Records Act outlines data, information and documentation that can be requested from a governmental entity by the public. Click here for more information on the Open Records Act.

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